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  • Writer's pictureTatae Phrommin

Health Check-ups for BSF Families in Nepal

'Health' is defined by WHO as, "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” BSF takes a holistic approach towards health and the overall well-being of our families, and has recently provided full medical check-ups for all of our participants in Chhampi, Nepal.

Tara and her son at the medical clinic

Medical check-ups are a good way to find out whether or not BSF participants have taken good care of their health. Personalized and professional advice is given on how they can take better care of their bodies and prevent sickness. Medical check-ups also help to identify diseases and any serious health conditions in their early stages so appropriate action can be taken.

Recently, our BSF partner in Nepal organized whole-body medical check-ups for all the beneficiaries of our Chhampi project at the community’s health clinic. They undertook blood tests, electrocardiograms, ultrasounds and other regular health check-up procedures.

After test results were received, each participant consulted with the doctor and received medical advice and support. Those with health problems were prescribed with medicine and were made aware about their health status. Some were asked to change unhealthy lifestyle patters while others were asked to develop a more nutritious diet for healthy living.

One of the participants, Tara Khadka, said, “This was such a good thing to do. I rarely am able to go to the hospital when I get sick and have never had a whole body check-up before." After her check-up, Tara discovered she was dehydrated and was advised to drink a lot more water each day. Others also discovered unhealthy patterns in their lifestyles and were given professional advice on how to improve their health to prevent sickness in the future.

BSF is grateful to all our partners who enable us to promote better health with our families so they can live more happy and productive lives. Many thanks for your ongoing support.


To partner with BSF in building stronger sustainable families, please click here: DONATE Thanks for any support you can provide.

BSF is a partner for project J1079 & J1102 with Australian NGO, Global Development Group. Donations to BSF through Global Development Group are tax deductible in Australia, NZ, and the USA.


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