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  • Writer's pictureEssie

Lots of Kids Alleviate Poverty

Some may think that lots of kids put financial strain on a family...not in this story!

Poverty and a chronic health condition took its toll on Chandra and Rupa's family. But after receiving a thriving goat herd and flourishing tunnel farm, they feel much better equipped to meet the needs of their two bright daughters and family.

Rupa lives with her two daughters and husband in Dhapakhel, Nepal. Her husband, Chandra, is a hard-working carpenter. The family live in a small temporary house made of iron sheets and bamboo and had been struggling to make ends meet.

Rupa with one of her new kids who is helping to alleviate poverty in the family!

Rupa has had a difficult life dealing with the pressures of poverty and a health condition known as ‘Dysarthria’, a speech impairment resulting from a neurological injury. Despite the challenges, she does the best she can to help support her family.

Rupa (left) and Chandra (right) at their new tunnel farm

Things were very tough financially for the family. Chandra barely earned enough income to provide for the basic essentials of his family, as he rarely received orders for his carpentry work. Rupa had a small vegetable patch that provided only enough for their family, and she always struggled to keep things alive and flourishing.

Chandra and Rupa’s two daughters are growing up fast. The couple long to be able to provide sufficiently for the needs and education of their children.

Rupa and her daughters

After BSF heard about Chandra and Rupa's difficult situation, they met with them and then invited them to join an 18-month family-strengthening program. They were delighted! BSF then worked alongside them, listening to their needs and interests, sharing new ideas, providing holistic development training, and offering income generation assistance.

Chandra and Rupa both had an interest in goats and agriculture, resulting in BSF providing them with four goats and the necessary materials required to build a goat shed. Further materials were supplied to assist them in building a tunnel (similar to an open-sided greenhouse) for a new ‘Tunnel Farming’ agricultural business.

After receiving the essential training from BSF for these new business ventures, Chandra and Rupa worked diligently and effectively, taking good care of their new goats. To their delight, after many months, the few goats they started with multiplied and gave birth to kids, becoming a growing herd of goats! The goat business is thriving and generating a profitable income for the family to help them become more financially sustainable.

Following on from the agricultural training, Chandra and Rupa planted many vegetables such as chillies, cucumbers and tomatoes in their tunnel farm. And it wasn't too long before they reaped a harvest and have been able to sell nutritious vitamin-rich vegetables regularly to their neighbours.

These two new sources of income, goats and tunnel farming, have had a significant positive impact on the financial sustainability of the family. Chandra and Rupa are so happy and confident they can meet all the basic needs of their daughters and family.

Chandra said, "After joining the BSF program, our family has received so much blessing and participated in so many helpful trainings. My daughters received educational support and Rupa has received her much-needed medical support. We will give our best and will keep these businesses running effectively and efficiently to take care of our family. Thank-you for all your help and support. I feel really blessed to be a part of this program."


BSF is a partner for project J1079 & J1102 with Australian NGO, Global Development Group (ABN 57 102 400 993). Donations to BSF through Global Development Group are tax deductible in Australia, NZ, and the USA.


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